Ecolocation help you through the ecological aspects of your planning application.
Ecolocation provide specialist ecological advice and services to a range of clients proposing large-scale mixed use developments through to small-scale extensions. Our ecologists are all members of the Chartered Institute for Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM) with extensive experience and knowledge in the areas described below.
We hold relevant survey and mitigation licences for working with key species including bats, great crested newts, barn owl and badger. Our range of ecology service areas include:

What we do
Ecolocation is an ecology consultancy offering a range of services including habitat and protected species surveys to support your planning application, as well as advice to guide you clearly and smoothly through the planning process.

Working across the Midlands
Ecolocation is based in central Warwickshire, close to Coventry and the Leicestershire and Northamptonshire borders. Our core contracting area is across the Midlands but we are happy to take on projects further afield.

Who we help
Our clients include planning agents, developers, local authorities and homeowners and we work on projects from large scale mixed use developments to small-scale house extensions.

Always on target
We are commercially aware ecologists, committed to undertaking surveys and reports for you in prompt timeframes and finding cost-effective solutions to help your development complete expediently.
Ecolocation work with a wide range of clients, from large developers and home owners, to owners of farms, historic buildings and churches.

Development Schemes
Are you a land agent or developer looking for a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal/Phase 1 survey of an area of land?
Ecolocation undertake ecological walkover surveys as well as arboricultural surveys and a wide range of targeted surveys for bats, great crested newts, reptiles, badgers and more, where required. We aim to identify constraints and opportunities at an early stage to inform subsequent discussions and to find cost-effective solutions.

Farm Buildings & Churches
From barn conversions to renovations of historic buildings such as churches, Ecolocation offer Protected Species Surveys to assess potential for bats, badgers, breeding birds or any other protected species that is likely to be present, allowing you to make informed decisions and put together a strong planning application.

If you are making a planning application for home improvements, Local Authority or your planning agent may have advised that you need a bat survey to validate your application.
Ecolocation can assist with building inspections for bat surveys and help you get your development under way.